Our Team

Due to modern organization and communication technology we work remotely not only from Berlin, but also efficiently with cooperation partners located all over Germany.

Daniel Streiff - Lawyer

Daniel Streiff
  • Founder of Streiff Law
  • International experience: studied international law and business in the United States; work experience for a US State Court and the German Foreign Office
  • Outstanding expertise: top 2,5% of Bavarian graduates in 1st bar exam and top 5% of Berlin graduates in 2nd bar exam
  • Law firm credentials: Clifford Chance, Düsseldorf, and Lacore LLP, Berlin
  • Business experience: inhouse and external consultant and co-founder of e-commerce and legal tech companies
  • Juror at BayStartUp competition
  • Correspondence language: DE, EN

Judith Palissa - Legal Analyst

Judith Palissa
  • Freelancer in cooperation with Streiff Law
  • Dipl. Jur., 1st state’s exam in Freiburg
  • Focused on civil procedure law
  • International experience for law firms in Manila (Philippines) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
  • Correspondence language: DE, EN, DA

Varja Bartels - Lawyer

Varja Bartels
  • Lawyer in cooperation with Streiff Law
  • Focus on corporate law, M&A (work experience at Ernst & Young)
  • International experience: work for international law firms, e.g. in Tokyo, Japan
  • Correspondence language: DE, EN, FR, ES

Deryck Jordan - Lawyer

Deryck Jordan
  • Lawyer at Jordan Counsel in cooperation with Streiff Law
  • Focused on American corporate law
  • MBA (Wharton)
  • Admitted to the bars of New York and Berlin
  • Correspondence language: DE, EN, FR, ES

Simone Birkelbach - Lawyer

Simone Birkelbach
  • Lawyer in cooperation with Streiff Law
  • Specialised lawyer in building and architect law (Fachanwältin)
  • Real estate and public business law
  • Member of the German Lawyers’ association (DAV)
  • Correspondence language: DE, EN

We want you! (m/f)

Karriere bei Streiff Law
  • Tax advisors and lawyers: employment or cooperation in complementing legal fields
  • Students, clerks and PhD students: freelancer in corporate and E-commerce law
  • Correspondence languages: DE, EN
  • Just write an email to hi@streifflaw.de to apply